They Regretted it After Their Hearts Turned to Ashes – Chapter 12 – Boat Ticket (Part 2)

The script Luo Zhi wanted to resell was the one he had previously acquired after much difficulty, intending to gift it to Luo Cheng. It was that script that was almost ready for production.

Since it was a personal gift for his sister, it hadn’t been purchased through company funds. All the money spent had been from Luo Zhi’s own savings.

It was also for this same reason that this script’s ownership wan’t under Huaisheng Entertainment, but Luo Zhi himself.

The price Luo Zhi had listed was a boat ticket.

Not just any boat ticket, but a super luxurious giant cruise ship ticket. The tickets were incredibly hard to get, selling out instantly every time they were released, despite their exorbitant prices.

Luo Zhi had been coveting one for a long time, originally planning to splurge on it as a birthday gift for himself.

On the day the tickets were released, Luo Zhi had set multiple alarms, but just ten minutes before he had led Huai Sheng Entertainment’s management team to join in the ticket rush under the guise of a small meeting, in order to ease his nerves, Luo Zhi had casually scrolled through his WeChat Moments.

In the last five minutes before the sale, on his Moments, Luo Zhi saw the script that Luo Cheng desperately wanted.

The cruise ship would dock at the nearest port in a week, and the next time it sailed on this route wouldn’t be until the following year.

Luo Zhi originally didn’t have much hopes, just listing it to try his luck.

Unexpectedly, someone actually messaged him.

He seemed to have suddenly regained a goal worth striving for, no longer wandering aimlessly, and quickly cleaned himself up, changed his clothes, and sat properly at the desk.

When clicking on the private chat interface, Luo Zhi’s heart was still pounding with excitement, beating loudly in his chest.

Luo Zhi clicked open the first unread message. It was from a well-established studio. The person who contacted him was the person in charge of script procurement.

There was no ticket, but he promised to buy the complete script at the original price Luo Zhi had paid.

Luo Zhi clicked open the second unread message. It was from a fairly large film and television company. The person who contacted him was the head of the resources department.

There was no ticket, but he offered a 10% transfer fee in addition to the original price, and allowed him to retain the right to recommend a non-main character.

Luo Zhi clicked open the third unread message. It was from the agent of an artist who wished to remain anonymous. There was no ticket…

[Since you intend to transfer the ownership of the script, it means your financial situation isn’t very stable.]

Most agents usually have extensive networks and it wasn’t difficult for them to find out who had purchased the script that had been sold at a high price. Each message they sent seemed to hint at something: [There’s really no need to act on impulse.]

Luo Zhi sighed lightly and put down his phone.

He had forgotten what he was doing again, sitting at the desk in a daze for a while, before remembering that he wanted to exchange the script for a cruise ticket.

Why try to persuade him?

He just wanted to go on the ship and have some fun.

Luo Zhi tapped the screen absentmindedly.

He laid on the table, resting his chin on his arm, while his other hand lightly drew circles on the phone.

After drawing countless circles, Luo Zhi finally put down the phone and got up to pack his things.

Perhaps because he had been deep in thought, he forgot to buffer himself this time and stood up too quickly. His right leg gave way and immediately his whole person fell.

Luo Zhi, along with the chair, crashed to the ground. The chairback hit his lower back hard, and his vision also blacked out for a few minutes without warning.

When his vision returned, there were already a lot of new messages on the phone that had fallen next to him.

[I’m suggesting you consider selling, the price can be discussed later.]

[It can be exchanged for other equivalent resources.]

[A PR team can be provided.]

[I’m suggesting you give it more consideration, plan for the long term, the future is long.]

Luo Zhi suddenly grabbed his phone.

His eyes were still gently curved, as if he didn’t know discomfort or pain. He indeed didn’t know. His fingers deftly tapped the screen: [Not considering, not planning.]

The other party was clearly taken aback by this response, almost forgetting to use business-like language in their reply: [Why?]

Luo Zhi made a soft “hmm” sound, thought for a moment, and pressed the phone against his forehead.


Probably similar to how he had left the hospital secretly without doing a full-body check-up.

If this place didn’t work, then find another place.

If that place also didn’t work, then find yet another place.

If nowhere worked, then go see what kind of world lay at the end of the sea, see what that world was like.

If even that didn’t, then he really would need to rest.

Before he died, he really wanted to meet someone. That person would smile at him, wave to him, and greet him properly.

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